
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Boring Tuesday #2

Dear Blogspot
Next time you have a day off, could it not be a Tuesday? I really need to vent between menial jobs! Going off soon after arriving at work, and coming back on air just before hometime is just teasing.

Any hoo, this is what I collected along the day:

1. Now here’s a fun tale of blogging woes…

Here at the art school, when you graduate, you put up your graduating work in one big exhibition throughout the school. A few days before the opening, we have Patrons' Day, when people and businesses who sponsor scholarships and funding programs get to wander around and have first dibs on what they want to buy or bestow awards upon. Then a few days later the big exhibition opens with a awards ceremony, and speeches and everyone walks around happy or sad or, as is usual with art school students, acting very cool as if they care about shit like that, man.

But they DO care, don't they? One of the students here got a bit pissed off at the process and blogged about it just after Patrons' Day.

The Deputy Director (who also blogs, albeit very academically) read the post, and made a comment rapping him gently on the knuckles responding to his accusations. Then, at the opening, the student actually got an award!

To his credit, he posted a big slice of humble pie.

Heh. I like the way the second post suddenly becomes less about him, and more about feeling angry on behalf of other people. That lovely tone of righteous indignation. He's not backing down, oh no.

And he's suddenly realised that you’re not just writing to your mates on the web… you're writing to THE WORLD.

Yeah baby.

2. Innocent fun with testicles on Loaded Dog (or test-i-cley, as they say on Little Britain).

Ok. Home time. Bumblebee's Christmas concert and the launch of my school cookbook! Cooking Ninja didn't make the cover, but he's on the title page. Hooray!

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